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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Owareru Yoru no Kemono ◄ Track ❸ ► (Drama CD + Novel)

Woohoo~ Here is Track 03 of Owareru Yoru no Kemono! 
Things are definitely getting more interesting and dangerous!
We're near the climax!

Author: Touno Haruhi
Artist: Yamane Ayano

Translator: Lollipop
Illustration & Video Editor: White Cat (a.k.a. Black Rabbit)

There is only one part but there are two videos because the other one is UNCENSORED. The difference between the two is only a little part near the end (starting at 08:55)... but I think the illustration will make a big difference. 

Lollipop has already translated Track 04!

This will probably be my last video and there will be no release 'til a new video editor joins us. I am sorry but you can read my "reasons" on the post (Click HERE!) after this one. I hope you'll enjoy this video!

Thank you so much to those who stayed with me or us for almost a year... Without those comments, likes and subscribes, I or we wouldn't be here 'til today. I hope I've made some of you happy or entertained through all the videos I've worked on.

That's a nice *ss!
I've enjoyed working on you~


  1. Awwwwwww i wanted to subscribe to the backup channel but it wouldn't let me DDDDDDDDD: anyway, THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK! IT'S AMAZING!! xo

    1. SOOOOUL! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° How are you? Long time no see!
      I'll probably e-mail you soon about the proofreading since I'm gonna focus on the scanlation for Hisho Ikuseichuu now. I hope you don't mind.... teehee~ THANK YOU AND YOU'RE WELCOME!

      You're probably still on the list, sorry... (ᅌᴗᅌ* ) Will you still get notifications even if the videos are unlisted? 'cause all the videos there are unlisted and will never be set to public.

      -- White Cat --

    2. Yea sure! Feel free to email me, i'll reply asap once i receice the email :D and if you are not rushing for the translation, i think i can slowly translate chapter3 for Hisho ikuseichuu ^_^ but if you need it urgently then i might not be able to finish it on time >_< and NO! I couldnt receive any notification from the channel T_T so i have to check this blog regularly for any updates T_T and i couldnt comment on any of the video as well D:

    3. Thanks~ AHH! No, no, not all all! (;° ロ°)!!! No one has even volunteered to help us translate until you, so it would be awesome if you help us. Aww... I'll remove you on the list when I get the chance then... Cheer up~ *wink*

      -- White Cat --

    4. Awwwwwww! Okay! Thank you very much :D

  2. Thank you for the new updated cd/video which left off on a good spot[if only there was more...]! The news of discontinue is sad, but I respect your decision. Thank you for being up front. Take care and I hope this comment finds you in good spirits.

    1. You're welcome phat008! You're right and it's so sad and disappointing that I have to stop just when things are about to head to THAT PART. It's finally almost near that PART! I was so excited to work on that PART! (ಥ_ಥ) huu...

      I am sorry (︶︹︺) and thank you for understanding me. You take care too~
      I feel better than the last few days, thank you! Mwah! (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)

      -- White Cat --

    2. I'm not sure who is copying or what, but I hope that in the future you regain your passion and return. Yes, my comments are partly selfish, but on the other hand, your videos are edited in such a way that they really stand out and are enjoyable, and I don't think that they really can be imitated without outright stealing your work. An example is the timing of the speech bubbles being so precise. When Aki-kun, speaking like he is on fast forward, and Kaji-san who speaks at half-speed have a conversation, the timing must be difficult. One of my favorite parts is when Aki is getting groped on the train and is encouraging himself. He speaks so fast but you were able to articulate it. Anyway, I will miss your work, but your well-being comes first.

  3. Well... If you're an avid fan of Drama CD+Manga videos, I'm sure you'll see hers sooner or later, or maybe you've seen hers already.
    Here are some of the copied styles:
    1. Fade to White/Black added to Previous Scene (Effect from all my videos)
    2. Blurred Real Life Image for Background (Effect from Pursued Beast of the Night)
    3. Colored Scan (Effect from Pursued Beast of the Night)

    Oh, and one more... I quit then after a few days, she quit too. What's wrong with this person... It's like she doesn't have a brain of her own. Or it's like she's trying to match-up everything I do. Hah! No wonder the flaggers hate her so much. She's just... an ANNOYING and hypocritical person who thinks she can do everything she wants. She talks about decency and yet she doesn't have decency herself. She talks like she's such a smart person and yet why didn't she think of these things (she "borrows" from me as she say) before I started doing Drama CD + Manga videos.

    *shakes head* Oh Lord, please... I don't ever want to meet a person like this again... I'm losing brain cells just trying to understand her actions but I guess... our morals are just miles apart.

    Okii, sorry for grumbling Anon... (T ^ T)
    No, I don't think I will... I still have my passion for video editing but not for these kinds of videos. Even if this person's saying she quits, I think she'll come back in this industry 'cause she just likes it so much here. It's her life style. And I don't want to be on the same stage as her. I regret meeting a person like her. I just don't like her.

    Thank you so much for the compliments. *bows*
    HAHA! WOW! You remember that? That was a long time ago. (/>v<)/
    Timing is not so hard... It just takes a lot of time and effort.

    -- White Cat --

  4. Another great job! I'm really enjoying this story and appreciate the hard work you guys put in to making all your projects top notch quality.

    calamity jane
