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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Late Update - Hisho Ikuseichuu Chapter 3 Part 2

Sorry Sorry! (~ >_<)~
I know some have been waiting for the next part of Hisho Ikuseichuu but I'm sorry to inform you that it's still not done.

If you want to know a detailed status, read
Hisho Ikuseichuu Chapter 3 Part 2 Status.


  1. hello, etoo.. sorry if i comment here, if you put a chatbox, i can write it there...
    i already download warui koto shitai that u hve made, and actually its excite me. im so happy, and i have some request.. can you please make manga+drama cd of warui series? of course all of them if u can..? ^^'' actually, uhm.. (too many i write here, huhu fujoshi..) a-anyway, i ll support u and ur others fren :D.. Arigatou gozaimasu! :>

    1. Hi~ It's alright... and thank you so much for downloading Warui Koto Shitai (´∀`). I wish I could've done better.

      About Warui ko Demo Ii? (Second Sequel) It's actually the reason why this group started in the first place but as much as we love to do it, I am sorry to inform you that it's in our Dropped Projects as of now. We are not allowed to use Liquid Passion's scans. You can check the 'List of Scanlation Groups' page by going to the Dropped Projects page and see their reply. There's still a chance 'cause we haven't got a reply from their leaders but for now, we are not allowed.

      I think their scans are the only ones available in English. If there was another English version, we could've used it. About the other sequels, sorry but we haven't discuss about it. I'll forward your question to them.

      Thank you so much for supporting us! ヽ(‘∇‘ )ノ

  2. ahhh..? really? then im counting on u in this matter :D!
    ~Happy Happy~
    Sankyuu for your reply! *bow* ^w^ i ll wait for the next sequel if their leaders give their permission <3
    again, thanx! :3


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